Author Kinyanjui Kombani has parted ways with his publishers Acacia Stantex in regards to his book The Last Villains of Molo.
The move effectively ends a long drawn struggle between author and publisher that has lasted more than five years. The novel has been hailed as a powerful enactment of the 1992 ethnic violence and as a
premonition of the 2008 post election violence. We understand that the
split is the culmination of many months of conflict over unpaid royalties . The author is also said not to be happy
about the publisher’ s marketing and publicity plans .
When contacted, Kinyanjui was non-committal on the reasons for the split, only saying ; “ I have enough respect for Jimmi Makotsi – he made the book what it is and I do not want to malign
his name. But it is time to move on .” He admitted that he is in discussion with
other publishers to reissue the book, although he did not give names. The Last Villains of Molo has enjoyed some level of publicity in the print and electronic media and on social forums . It is currently a study text in Moi, Kenyatta, Daystar and Egerton
Universities and is a subject of several Masters and one PhD theses. Plans are
underway to produce a stage version of the book in an upcoming festival , and a local film producer has expressed interest in shooting the film
based on the novel . The writer has also written two other children’s books and scripted a film. He has finalized work on another novel . Kinyanjui says that, as part of the termination agreement , he purchased
all stock copies of the book from the publisher, and they are currently on sale via his website